Every year thousands of Indian medical aspiring students go for MBBS from abroad countries by enrolling themselves in the foreign medical universities. Compared with other popular countries like Russia, China, Philippines, Georgia and some other countries, Ukraine is one of the best countries for MBBS education for Indian students and every year more and more students are choosing Ukraine for their medical studies.
But why is that? This is simply because in Ukraine, you get to study the entire full 6 years course in English medium, whereas in the other countries, like China and Russia, there are bilingual universities mostly.
The majority of Ukrainian medical universities are government and really old, which is one of the major factor in deciding the capability of a university and the quality of education. Other than that in Ukraine, the admissions are given directly, unlike Philippines, where the students have to pass The NMAT exam first. So, these were some of the facts, that I had told you to let you know, why Ukraine is good for MBBS study.
Now, coming to the question about which medical university is best in Ukraine, we will look at some of the facts.
In Ukraine, there are 16 medical universities which are MCI and UNESCO approved. This means that your degree is valid and you can appear for the various licensing exams like USMLE, PLAB, MCI and more.
How to choose the best medical university?
Out of the total medical universities of Ukraine, 90 percent of the universities are Government and are over 100 years old. Some of them are even 200 years old.
Therefore, it’s not hard to imagine the quality of education that they will have. The older the university, the better it is in terms of high number of passed out batches, campus, facilities, infrastructure and more. In fact, this is a crucial deciding factor for any university that would like to choose all over the world. Now, let’s talk about the best university in Ukraine. Lviv National Medical University is undoubtedly, one of the best medical universities for MBBS for Indian students.
Let me tell you guys, why I am saying that!
The university is located in the Lviv City, also known as heart of Ukraine. It is the oldest medical university in Ukraine, which is over 230 years old. Being affiliated with 41 hospitals, it is the best place to have a good medical exposure in your clinical years.
Lviv National Medical University also has a pretty high MCI pass percentage as compared with the other Ukrainian medical universities. Check more details about Lviv National Medical University Here.
Lviv City
Being located in the metropolitan Lviv City, which is also a popular tourist place, the University has all the basic facilities nearby. This is why, the International students can live comfortable life while studying.
In fact, as the place is a tourist place, many local people are also comfortable with the English language, therefore language barrier is not so rigid, unlike the Ukrainian medical universities which are located in the small cities, where the local people are not much fluent in the English language.
Now coming to the other factors that also makes this university really popular.
Hostels at LNMU:
Lviv National Medical University indeed has the best hostels, compared with the rest of the medical universities in Ukraine.
These hostels are renovated and equipped with all the modern facilities. The students are given hostels in two or three seater rooms with all the modern facilities present. Kitchens are also provided in every block, which are shared by 10 to 15 students. So, even if you are not willing to join the mess, you can always cook for yourself. The raw material is also available nearby, which make students focus on their studies more rather than being busy in the other day to day activities.
It also located nearby the University Campus and hostel. Moreover, Lviv city has its own International Airport which makes the international travel really easy for the Indian students.